Olá a todos,

Somos o Nuno e a Joana, pais de um menino maravilhoso de três anos, chamado Leonardo. 

À medida que Leonardo crescia, percebemos que as crianças aprendem brincando e imitando. A ideia de criar a Lyeto Toys surgiu inicialmente do Nuno, que sempre adorou brincar com o nosso filho. 

Juntos, abraçamos este projeto em família, com amor e união.

Ambos solicitadores de profissão desde 2010, embarcamos nesta aventura em finais de novembro de 2023, motivados pela transformação que o nascimento do nosso filho trouxe às nossas vidas. 

Descobrimos a magia de momentos de conexão e aprendizagem entre pais e filhos através de brinquedos educativos e divertidos, que estimulam a criatividade, o desenvolvimento e a autonomia das crianças.

Descobrimos a magia de momentos de conexão e aprendizagem entre pais e filhos através de brinquedos educativos e divertidos, que estimulam a criatividade, o desenvolvimento e a autonomia das crianças.

Inspirados pelos princípios de Maria Montessori, Emmi Pikler e Waldorf, valorizamos a independência, a capacidade criativa e a liberdade na brincadeira. 

Acreditamos que a autonomia, a criatividade e o desenvolvimento integral podem ser nutridos de forma natural e divertida.

It therefore became essential to look for toys that stimulated development, creativity, memory, cognitive function, autonomy, concentration and that awakened the 5 senses (touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight).

It is through play that children learn their first life lessons, so it is up to us, parents, to make it fun and as light as possible, so that they develop their abilities naturally and become increasingly independent and confident.

In theLyeto ToysWe have toys made from sustainable, high-quality materials at our disposal. We are looking for partners (brands) that also meet our value proposition, associating ourselves only with those that have proven to us that they also work towards a better, more sustainable world, a world that our children/grandchildren will see in a few years' time. We believe that if more and more people embark on this journey with us, this goal will be ever closer to being achieved.

We know that there are still many Parents/Grandparents/Uncles/Cousins/Friends, who think like us, concerned about offering toys that meet the aforementioned requirements, and that was our main mission and that we wish to embrace, making it possible to obtain inLyeto Toysaccess to a wide variety of educational and fully tested toys, free from chemicals and toxins, which meet the proposed objectives and the methodology followed by our references.

  • "Never help a child with a task that he feels capable of doing."

    Maria Montessori

  • "In the beginning, hands are everything to the child. The hands are the person, the world"

    Emmi Pikler

  • “Behind the hand that holds the pencil, the eyes that look, the ears that listen, there is a child who thinks.”

    Emilia Ferreiro

Educational Toys Lyeto Toys

Recommended by Therapists. Designed for Happy Kids